So who is this peculiar woman?

October 20, 2023

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The word peculiar has been used among us Kingdom citizens, over the years countless times. The bible states clearly in 1 Peter 2:9 that ‘ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.

Deuteronomy 14:2 ‘For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth’.

She is unique, confident, bold yet meek. She is determined, she understands who she is because her purpose and worth are known to her. Her purpose separates and defines her.

Esther separated and defined by purpose.

Esther was an orphan, a girl from humble beginnings was raised by her uncle. She was a beautiful, courageous and humble young woman. Her purpose and destiny were clearly defined from birth. When God intends to do something amazing in the life of his people, it usually begins from or before conception. I believe that her uncle Mordechai’s strong faith in God impacted her life. In other words, Esther was raised to fear the living God. It was this profound conviction, her training, along with other enhancements such as her outward beauty and polite manner, that was divinely culminated to write history among the Jewish nation.

If you are a peculiar woman, endued with physical beauty, make no mistake, it is for purpose! Everything about a peculiar woman is divine. If you are exceptionally talented, gifted, intellectual; begin to think PURPOSE! Everything that we own or possess is lent to impact. Therefore, when the Jews lives were weighed in the balance and Mordechai, made it clear to Esther that this includes you as well.

She humbled herself and began to think purposefully- what can I do? She was so firm in her faith that she was willing to risk her life. She came from a people who knew the power of fasting and prayer. 2 Corinthians 10:4 ‘For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. When purpose moved in Esther’s bowels she declared ‘And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish! This peculiar woman was chosen to exercise great faith to save the lives of a nation.

Who are you? What have you been assigned to do? Whose life depends on you fulfilling your purpose?

The peculiar woman knows who she is. When it is her turn to stand and be counted, she is ready. She does not waver and make lame excuses. She understands that lives depend on her standing in the gap. She is called to make changes. She is called to bring deliverance, to break yokes and set the captive free.

Hannah’s purpose defined by barrenness.

Here is a woman, married to a wonderful man who feared God and loved her deeply. 1 Samuel 1:5 ‘But to Hannah he would give a double portion for he loved Hannah, although the Lord had closed her womb’. The word of God says that Elkanah declared their relationship was more than having children. 1 Samuel 1:8 (not easy to find today). In all of this, God was set on purpose. Hannah would through her sufferings learnt to worship and seek the Lord. She would have also learnt how to deal with her adversary, Peninnah who often mocked her.

Don’t worry about who is ahead of you. Don’t focus on who has more, can do more or was even there before you. Focus instead on what God is doing in your life. It doesn’t matter how long you have been waiting. God is still intent on blessing you on his terms- you must surrender and worship.

The bible says they went up to the temple yearly to worship. Even through the process of offering worship she was taunted by her adversary. Hannah could not begin to imagine seven children, the first of whom was anointed and very special to the Lord. Samuel was a righteous judge. When the Lord turned her captivity around, she prayed with compassion and praise. 1Samuel 2:1-10

Thou Peculiar woman, arise to your call. Set your face like flint if you must. Isaiah 50:7 ‘For the Lord God will help me; therefore, I will not be disgraced; therefore, I have set my face like flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed’. You have been appointed for this season, arise and be counted! Be disciplined and do not move from your conviction.

I remember when I wasn’t as courageous as I am today. I walked away from tasks, when it became difficult. I made excuses, some of which I believe were reasonable. However, if you are assigned to a task by God, he takes no excuses. I have since repented for the sin of omission. James 4:17 ‘Therefore, to him who knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is a sin’. It is not always easy to stand and remain focus. When you have identified your worth and divine task, I implore you to fuel this with prayer and fasting. Then begin to renew your mind in the word. You need to be fully convinced that you can do all things you are called to do. When this is cemented, there is no stopping you!

My purpose in this season

So, as I arise to my purpose in this season, which is to connect and share the love of God in me to you. I must shut out the noise of uncertainty, doubt and discouragement. You see when you have been assigned to a task, you must face opposition from the enemy. Hence the weapons of our warfare must be in continuous use. I am the other voice chosen to meet you where you are and extend a hand through words of encouragement and prayer. My Instagram page is designed especially to share real life experiences with you. I aim to focus on the wellbeing side to the peculiar woman. I am so excited to build a relationship with you. Creating our own safe space, where we can relate to common and uncommon issues. We can live a beautiful and victorious life through Christ. Whilst I have a great deal of knowledge and experience. I can only connect to you and stay connected through the wisdom and power of God. It takes patience and determination to run and win this race.

Ephesians 6:10 ‘Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.’ It shall be well.

Please join me in prayer

Father, I bless you for this hour. In which I could be the voice to remind my sisters of their great importance. That their righteous input is needed in this season.

I pray for grace and courage. Courage to face that which seem so impossible. The impediment that has proven to be a deterrent to the success of their walk with you.

May you refresh and renew the minds of your daughters. Help them to see purpose in their challenges.

I pray for an increase in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. May there be a new willingness and readiness to go forth to do that which they have been assigned to.

Let your peace rest upon their hearts and mind as they begin to reposition for the great cause.