How is your temple?

October 27, 2023

Book With Flowers Vector Art

Part 1

If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are. 1 Corinthians 3:17

The word of God tells us that our bodies are his temple. If God tabernacles with us, we should pay attention to the place in which He dwells. This is not just limited to the obvious sins, diet and exercise, but a commitment to goodness, wellness and righteousness.

Are you resting well?

What’s on your mind?

Do you love yourself?

Have you accepted you?

Do you care for you?

I understand that these questions can be piercing depending on where you are on your journey. I want to therefore assure you that I mean you well. It is the reason I write to you. I care about you, and I want you in return to care for you too. Since this is a very broad topic, I shall divide it into 3 series: the physical, spiritual and emotional. Let’s get the foundation in good order!

The Physical

As I write to you, I struggle with the physical temple. I battle with my weight. This has been the case for all my life. This is also a very sensitive topic for me. Years ago, when I was training to become a teacher, I took some diet pills. Even though, I had learned to take it in my stride, I was always obsessed with losing weight. Such was the case, when I unintentionally overdosed on those pills! I clearly remember being told by the doctor that being bigger (seeing that I was a chubby child) would be a lifetime struggle. However, I am truly thankful that regardless I have ALWAYS loved me. Always treated me with honour and respect.

I see the beauty in me, I believe in me, and that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14 I try for most of the time to look after me. This is because I understood and accepted from my youth, that this would be a lifetime battle. However, I knew that there was so much more to me than my weight. At the age of 16, I was given a brand-new sewing machine by my mom and whoop! The world became my oyster. I found a beautiful way to express myself and this way was extremely empowering. Fashion was and still is a huge tool in coping. It is my stronger voice!

Regardless of the physical challenge, I want us to win, overcome, through the application of the word. 3 John 2-5 ‘I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth’. No matter the unpleasantry, you my sister can rise above it all. Our physical temple is important and despite the issues that threatens our health, we can advance. I am currently exercising, this includes walking, weightlifting, skipping , cardio etc. This is accompanied with intermittent fast as well as other natural treatments to put up a good fight for good health. The results are great. In the future we will look at weight management, which I believe is as important as losing weight. I would hope by then to have a platform through which we can talk to each other. I feel the need to be open with you, as I am expecting this from you for us to truly connect. My issue may not be yours, vice versa, but we all have something difficult to contend with. How we deal with these issues determines the good or bad condition of our temple. Let’s aim for good, in so doing we align with the word of God.

If your temple is facing physical challenges, I implore you to do your best. Let’s not forget the elephant in most middle-aged women’s life- PERIMENOPAUSE! Now this is a challenge in a category of its own. I am not a professional, but I look forward to sharing my struggles and solutions. Currently it is a daily battle, however I am learning how to manage and deal with the change. You may not be able to do that which you could in the past. Your struggles may have placed limitations on you. However, every effort counts, no matter how simple. Apply your faith to each effort and lean on the strength of God. Do not be side tracked by what others are doing. Instead focus on your race, in which you are the only runner and can only lose if you stop or give up!

Finally, the answers to my questions: I am resting well through the help of natural aids- when needed, (perimenopause is alive and kicking!) I have this wonderful newfound community on my mind (The Peculiar Woman), I absolutely love me, I accept myself and I care!

anemone flower watercolor.